Time Flies
With the release of the results yesterday, it kinda marked an end to the year 2007 for me. Before I continue about my results, or the year 2007, I would first like to touch on the year ahead. Its kinda scary, because I just realised that when I enter the year 2008: 1) I would be turning 24! This is especially scary when many of the friends around me have just finished complaining about hitting the big two, when I am nearing the mid mark of the big two. Dang! 2) I would be officially a ARS3 student already this coming semester! It just seemed a while ago that I was a freshmen, and now I am a year 3 student. 3) Many of my year 3 and honours year friends will be graduating in about half a years time! Oh dear, how time flies ... As for the long awaited results, well I would say it was pretty much a miracle. Turned out better than I had expected, and am somewhat glad and relieved after what was a hell semester for me. I honestly didn't really feel very good about my modules after the exams, and was worried about a repeat of year 1 sem 1. I think what also attributed to a horrible semester for me was the module configuration, together with the added pressure and stress I put on myself. But I'm glad everything finished off well. My grades are not as good as last semester, but I'm feeling better about this semester's results because I went through much more this semester. It was also good to know that a few of the friends around me did well too. I'm sure many of them also had a hell of a semester. In fact, the first few results I heard about, were all high and good. To be honest, I never really doubted them to do well, and for a second time this year, I am just glad that I am somewhere near their league. The new S/U system kinda saved me too, as I almost threw away 2 decent grades. But then again, it may see me miss the chance to get listed again by a whisker. I see this new system making the dean's list cut off point rise by a bit, as more and more people will be able to play with the system. If you really read the dean's list requirements, you will realise that the new S/U system makes it slightly easier to get into the dean's list. Well, as I have always said, to do well in NUS doesn't really require you to just study hard or be smart, sometimes you just have to know how to work your way around the system. Whatever it is, I am just really grateful that things turned out really fortunate and really well for me. Being listed is just a bonus, and I think what's more impt is my overall cap. Oh and of course, another important thing, is making my parents proud and happy. No guessing who I contacted immediately after the release of my results.
Merry Christmas!
Seasons greetings everybody. Been receiving alot of smses from friends with x'mas wishes, but as the messages came in, I felt it was getting a little pointless as I started reading lesser and lesser of the messages as they started to be a little too repetitive. But anyway, thanks, and merry christmas to all of you too. Was at orchard just now, and my gf and I got a first hand glimpse of why Singapore is over-populated. The streets were so jam packed, at one point we couldn't move for about a minute as the human traffic came to a standstill. Finally made our way through, but when I was at a junction, I looked across all the streets and it was a crazy sight. The crowd somehow overflowed onto the roads, and at times look very dangerous. Eventhough the police assigned personnel to every junction, they too had problems controlling the crowd. The time was only about 9pm, and I really cannot imagine what it would be like at around 11 plus. Neither do I want to be there to really know what it would be like either. We walked all the way to dhouby ghaut mrt just to make sure we don't get stuck in orchard and somerset mrt stations. Was packing some stuff at home today, and I actually found my ocs diary. The book contained dairy like entries in my days of training, as the instructors required us to keep and maintain such a diary. I took some time to read through my entries to re-live those days, and I chanced upon my entry on 25th december, 2004. It was christmas 3 years ago, and it was just 2 weeks into my 42 weeks of ocs training. We had to book back in on christmas night, and all of us were gloomy. Some christmas night it was, as we even had stand by level inspection, and failed it badly. The night ended off with us doing about 100 pushups as punishment, before we sadly greeted each other 'merry xmas' before lights out. Tough but sweet memories. Results in a couple of days, and I would be lying if I said I am not scared and nervous. I have experienced both bitter, and sweetness. This time, I just hoping for something nicely in between. Crossing my fingers. Hmm, and I received an internship offer to work in the public sector. Anyone any comments and suggestions?
Alvin and The Chipmunks
Catch the movie, its nice. Think the girls will really like it. The chipmunks, especially theodore is real cute. The singing and music is great too, and again its always after watching these movies that you wish you had the talent and ability to be a part of the production team of such movies. The graphics, drawings and motion are just so smooth and real, its just so amazing. As for me, and the people around my age group at least, the movie brings back memories of the old cartoon too, especially when Dave shouts "Alvinnnn!!!!" Hmm, now even Doraemon has its own movie coming out, haha.
Ultimate Slackness
Well what have I been doing the last few days? Title says it all. Eat, sleep and watch tv, my favourite past times after coming back from Bangkok. Got quite bored at home too, and sometimes I really wonder if I should have gone out to look for a job. However, I am not really keen on those part time odd jobs. I really want a job in the corp comm, advertising or PR line, to at least have a taste of what the line is really like, and of course gain some working experience. That is something I really lack so much, and I'd better make plans to get myself some experience before I graduate. Oh, and its been a bad few weeks for blackburn. They lost, again. I actually managed to watch their match on cable at the bangkok hotel, and sadly the lost. Today, they lost again, eventhough Santa Cruz scored a hat trick. Well, that has just confirmed my level of expecatations of them again, and its back to where it has been last season. I cannot really expect too much. Previous seasons, they have always made very poor starts, even being at the bottom of table at times, but fly straight up in the 2nd half of the season into top half table finishes. Looks like this time the tables turned a little. One word blackburn and all other top 4 chasing teams need to learn, and that is consistency. Nonetherless, I hope to make it down to lucky plaza soon to get the latest away jersey. The nicest away jersey I've seen ever from blackburn. That shopping mood is somehow still in me after bangkok :p
More From Bangkok
Here are some pics from my camera. I seriously think there needs to be an invention to either allow us to do far range self shots, as we are always having problems finding people to take pictures for us; or a wireless camera system which allows us to automatically send photos from each other's cameras. Anyway, after looking at the pics tk posted, and the pics that I transferred from my camera, its just amazing. No, not the pictures that are amazing, but the fact that the 5 of us actually went to bangkok together. During the start of the trip, I remember we vaguely asked each other if we would have thought of going on such a trip one year ago. Just one year ago, we were all tendering for our FOP projects, and were all gearing up for a busy second semester. And now, just a year later, all 5 of us from the 27th, are enjoying such a trip together during the december holidays. I guess these pictures are a testimony to something which we so dearly gained from our term in office, and that of close friendship.      
Hello everyone, the bangkok gang and I are finally back. Well its really hard to pen down 5 days of happenings, so I'll just sum up by writing some thoughts. I'm sure mich and tk would prolly blog something about the trip too. Overall it has been really enjoyable. It was tiring as we walked alot doing lots of shopping, as our feet ached very frequently, but I'm sure the purchases of new clothes and accessories eased some of the pain in our feet. But as mentioned in my previous post, what I really enjoyed was the company, as it is kinda like my first time going traveling with my friends on a leisure trip. The trip was not only about shopping and walking the streets of bangkok, but also the mini mahjong games and chit chat sessions during meals and at the hotel room. I was really looking forward to this short break and vacation after a horrible time with school and exams, and as much as my feet suffered, I had a great mental break. Just some thoughts: I so gotta go back to bangkok again. Still got so much of chatuchak to see, even more of suan lam night market to see, seafood to eat, and more thai food to try. Also didn't get to visit phat pong or any of those 'live shows', and would probably just one to go and see what it is all about. Whats going to bangkok without visiting these areas, visiting and nothing more :) Although my first experience was a butt burning one (the gang would know why), tuk tuk rides were very fun and exciting. Definitely beats the boring and oh so normal taxi rides. Was also quite surprised at how modern and advanced their train system is already. And as much as we didn't really want to risk our stomachs, I think I would probably want to try more street side food. Fast-food there is even more expensive than Singapore, and when they say double big mac, its not double the size, its just more slices from the same thickness of two beef patties we are used to. Got faked. But A&W was good though. Really loved the waffle ice cream. We talked about A&W at the airport before leaving, and I was so glad we really found an A&W. And yes, pad thai from the food courts are real good and cheap! I so liked the boutique hotel we stayed in. It was so artsy fartsy, with a room nice enough for a comfortable sleep at night after a full day of shopping. Even had LCD television and some cable channels to watch. Bargaining was real fun and eye opening. I guess in some sense we all improved in our barganing skills, but I guess its still far fetched from what those really good bargainers can do. It was interesting, especially on the last night, to see the many different bargaining technics which we soooo lacked. Even had one incident where it kinda backfired, as we pissed the stall keeper off, haha. And our favourite phrases, (in very soft and draggy tone), '2 hunled bahhtttt, no discount, hosale plice'. Hahaha. It was so strange hearing the ever-so-used-to Singapore accent again when we boarded the plane back home. Well so many other things happened, but I guess its just so hard to pen it all down. Haven really unpacked my stuff as I was busy up catching on sleep as we slept very little last night due to our early flight. Kinda having some post-vacation syndrome, as the routine for the 5 of us were pretty much the same for the past 3-4 days, and suddenly it feels all so different at home. Then again, its a real good chance to rest my very tired feet. Oh, after finally surfing all the web pages, blog surfing, checking e-mail and stuff, I realised alot of people are either going on vacation soon, or have started working. As for me, I am feeling a little lost now as I really do not know how I am going to spend the rest of this short holidays. Probably going to slack alot at home, but I also don't see myself doing that for 4 weeks. Hmm, wonder what I can do. And coming back home has also brought me back to reality, that results are coming back in about 2 weeks time. I really feel damn sian everytime my chain of thoughts comes across issues about school and exam results. As the days go by, I'm getting a worser and worser feeling each time. Suddenly I just feel like going out to work, earn some money, and go on more vacations :p
So fast, going bangkok tomorrow already! Yeah, time for some shopping. You know I'm not one who really shops, but everytime when I go overseas, whether I need the thing or not, or whether it is really worth it or not, I have to buy something, just to make myself feel happy. I guess it more or less applies to everyone, and that is why the worldwide tourism industry is doing so well. Went out again today, after finally checking out from RVR. Thanks to xy for accommodating all my 'zor teng' items in my room. Just feel its really stupid to ask us to move everything out, and then move it back. And I'm guessing the room will be left vacant anyway. Moving in and out is really a hassle, and eventhough the amount of things I have in my room is already minimal, it still took me a lot of time and effort to clear everything. Went to watch golden compass. I seriously dunno whether to say its nice or not, coz there were scenes similar to narnia, harry potter, pirates of the carribean, and lord of the rings, into one movie. And the way it ended, was also like lord of the rings, whereby they made it obvious there was another mission ahead, and that there is gonna be a sequel to the movie. But I must say there is always something to look forward to in the movie, and that is seeing the different 'demons'. Now don't be mistaken, the demons are not bad things, but for the sake of not spoiling the movie for those who wanna watch it, I shall stop describing it further. Although I really don't know if its a recommended movie or not, because there were parts where my gf and I kept asking each other what they were talking about :p Oh, and I realised, there is gonna be an Alvin and the Chipmunks movie! I was right in saying not too long ago, that suddenly all those old cartoons and shows from my time (makes me sound real old) are coming back on the big movie screens! I used to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks cartoon everyday, with the playful Alvin, the witty Simon, and the cute little Theodore. Shall catch it when it comes out! As for now, its off to bangkok. Till I come back, enjoy the holidays everyone!
School's Out
Before I go on, I would like to make a disclaimer, that the following entry is NC-Only-Those-Who-Finished-Exams. By today that should include quite a majority of people already. Went out to Marina Square today with my gf, and walked around shopping a little. Went for a good Kenny Rogers meal, and even played bowling and arcade. It has been a while, and I really missed this feeling. It's going to be a really short holidays, and gonna make the best of what I have. Haha am now gonna do some 'research' on what the bangkok gang and I can do there, and maybe prepare my stuff. Am really looking forward to this trip. To be honest, I am not really looking forward to the things at thailand, or the places of interest there or anything. Yes, no doubt I will still enjoy shopping and eating there, but what I am looking forward to is really just going on a short vacation to relax and chill. A much needed, and in my opinion, deserved break. I have always looked forward to going abroad with my friends, as the feeling is just different from going overseas with my parents. Although, as everyone would agree, going with parents would always mean a lesser worry in terms in finance, but oh well.
Trying Too Hard
I finally had dinner at home, after a long time. Even though it wasn't home cooked food, it still tasted good. I was really getting sick of food in school already. Don't really think its the dishes or food I am sick of, but more of the fact that it is eating in school. At dinner just now, mum posed me a question, and made a remark which got me thinking. She asked how long more to graduation, and I replied 1 year more, but 2 years if I decide to go for honours. She then asked if I really wanted to go for honours. I think the reason why she asked that question, was because she could see how tired and stressed up I was. Eventhough I am seldom home, every time I come back during the weekends, I think she can sense the entire week of tiredness in me. Mum and Dad have never set any expectations for me to really excel in school, and they know that I myself would usually take things in its course. But this time, I think Mum could see that that I am pushing myself, perhaps pushing too hard? She then told me that if I am getting too tired of school life, I should perhaps move on into the working world. That really got me thinking. Mum's words are always wise, because to me, she is the one person who has really seen the world out there and experienced the most. I am seriously very tired of school now. The friends and various activities are really fun, and that is perhaps the thing that I cherish most in school, but always affected by grades, is not fun at all. One can say that if you put grades aside, and not worry too much, then all will be better. But matter of truth is, many things is school surrounds grades, a fact we cannot hide. I am so not looking forward to next semester at all, unlike previous semesters. As I have always said, this semester was pretty horrid and hectic for me. Some of my grades I have gotten back have more or less shaped the expecatations I have of my final grades, but I guess much will still be decided from the final exams. Then again, I do not have much hopes on my final papers too. I am not regretting though, as if I really look back, from all my assignments to my revision for exams, I have really done my best. Least I can do is assure myself of that. But to think of it, did I just do my best, or perhaps more than my best. Ironic as the last sentence may sound, but its a true reflection of how I have perhaps tried too hard. Still a few things to settle, checking out, clearing my stuff, and on a brighter note, preparing for bangkok. Woo hoo, Bangkok here I come. And to my fellow bangkok mates, the europhia will come soon for you too!
Finally Going Home
Yeah, finally finished my exams. The last few weeks, or months even, have been really hectic, and I am really glad its all over. Now left the results, which to be honest, I am really dreading. I actually spotted 3 questions out of 5 for intercultural, but time management probably killed me. A little bit disappointed as I was practically rushing throughout the paper, and it gave me little time to even think of what I was writing. Just hoping for the best. Media writing has given me another disappointment. It has been countless in fact. Grades are below average again, but to be honest, I was never expecting much from this module. I am however now very worried about my grades for this module. In fact, my grades for the entire semester is starting to worrying me. And to be very honest, this module has kinda killed off any intentions I had of going into the pure media industry. A bad way to end my exams, but at least, its over, and I am finally going home.
Finishing Line Ahead
An echo of what I read, this examination period is just too long. Tomorrow is my final paper, and as I am nearing it, what was supposed to be a more gan chiong feeling, has become a more slack feeling. As discussed with Bingde, and which I have felt through this entire 2 weeks, longer study time and later exams does not mean its better. Sometimes I'd really rather be given more time constraints, which would result in more urgency in my revision. Plus, you get a bonus of ending the exams earlier. I have been pretty much rather slack and slow in my revision, and what happened just now is a good example. I was suppose to give myself a 2 hours nap, but it became a more than 4 hour nap. Bleah. Was greeted by 2 e-mails today by two different lecturers. One is advertising, and the other intercultural. If these 2 emails came last week, it would still be fine. But now that everything is going to over soon, they are announcing that they will be releasing the project grades. Suddenly, I just want to put everything behind, and not really care about those grades. Although I know they will come in handy next time when judging which project I could refer to for rerefence in future projects. Advertising grades will be in a couple of days time, but intercultural grades just came in. It was an initial scare, as technical glitches resulted in my group receiving another groups result, and it was so-so. Initially I overlooked the group number, and only went on to see the remarks and grades, and was a little disappointed. But only after looking at the email closely that I realised that was not my group's grades. The final grades soon came in after the error was fixed, and thank goodness it was better than the previous email we received. But then again, I wasn't all that happy either, and am wondering if my expectations has been set too high, because of last semester's achievements. The comments of the project was good, very good infact, but when you start matching the individual criteria grades she gave, to the comments she made, you start wondering if something went wrong, or is her marking a little stricter than expected? Hmm, whatever it is, it will still depend on tomorrow's paper, and I'd better do something about it. My final night with exam worries for this semester.
Productivity today, a big fat 0. I've been sleeping, waking up, watching tv on nuscast, going back to sleep, eat, sleep, watch tv. Oh dear, intercultural's just a couple of days away, and its my last paper. I cannot give it up all at the end.
And Then There Was One
In this corner of my room, there is this space on my shelf where I put my notes and books. As the days go by, the stack gets higher and higher. It started off with my universe notes and textbooks, and today that space is almost full, after stacking my advertising notes and textbook on top. Yes, thats the 'do-not-touch-its-all-over' stack. I am finally left with one more paper, after a quick succession of two papers. Media writing yesterday was really rush, as we were kinda expected to squeeze all 3 assignments we had through out the term, into one exam. Well, at least it gave me a good heads up on how I need to practise writing faster if not I will surely die for intercultural. Advertising today was not as straight forward as I hoped, and well, all I can do is to hope well for this two papers now. Intercultural is left, and it probably will be my hardest paper, being my only fully open ended question paper. Then again, its the most interesting module for me this semester, so it would not be all that boring. Isn't it just ironic how you always only realise how interesting or useful a module can be, after the semester ends, and only during the reading week or examination period. I kinda covered most of intercultural already, so I'm going to give myself some rest time today to watch some tv on nuscast, and perhaps get a little rest. Wanted to go out with my gf, but shes going to watch Show's concert, so oh well. Was telling Joshua, that its been a while since I really stepped out of school to just walk around the streets. Will do so soon, after tuesday at least. Again, all the best to everyone.