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星期四, 一月 31, 2008

Terrible Thursdays

After 3 semesters and 3 weeks, I finally attended my first ever 8am lesson. Back in year 1 sem 1, I promised myself never to ever choose 8am lessons as I figured that I was already struggling with 9am ones. But I guess things changed, and my desire to have a tutor of my preference, together with the fact that I am now staying on campus, drew me to conclude that the 8am tutorial slot was the most ideal one.

In saying that, the 8am tutorial today was a start of a very long day. Had 3 straight lessons before I could finally go for lunch, and when I went to clubroom to take a breather, my mind and eyes were so tired that half my heart was telling me to skip the very dry last lecture of the day. Eventually I still went, and it didn't turn out that boring as I would have expected. Still, it added to my fatigue. To cap it off, I have an assignment due tomorrow, and I'm probably gonna have another late night completing this first ever assignment for this semester. What a thursday, with worse ones to come!

The semester has been ok so far. I am actually feeling much better about my modules this semester, but then again, assignments have only slowly crept in, so it may still be too early to say. But perhaps the torment last semester was so great so much so that I am better prepared for whatever challenges coming my way this semester.

I so want to do well this semester before going for SEP. I want to do my internship well without worrying about my grades. And I shall take the first step by ending off this entry, so that I can complete my assignment for tomorrow.

星期二, 一月 29, 2008

Our Practical World Today

For some reason, I woke up feeling a little choky at my nose and throat, and as the day went by, it developed into some kind of bad flu. Just hate the feeling of being sick.

Tutorials have started this week, and things are fortunately still going a little slow, although I have an assignment due friday. Once again, the first week of tutorials will see the forming of my many different project groups. I kind of settled my project groups for two modules just from tutorial balloting, and today's tutorials wrapped up my other two groups. It will be interesting to see how my japanese studies group turns out, because sancia and I kinda decided to forsake our initial plans of just doing a pair work, to pair up with 2 business students (who sancia says are damn good students). Hope everything works out well this semester. Had some project related nightmares last semester :|

A couple of thoughts from school.

The ivle forums is really getting pointless, as it is becoming a fight for points instead of a source for knowledge. Whats new huh.

Its really amazing how people will start scribbling, instead of listening, when the lecturer flashes a slide not in the printed notes. It is also interesting how the pens will suddenly all halt simultaneously when the lecturer says that the slide will not be tested.

We have more or less been accustomed to this practical, somewhat meaningless and over-competitive society. Sad sad fact of life.

星期日, 一月 27, 2008

Movie Critique

Just back from the cinemas, after watching The Mist. To be honest, it gave me the impression that it was a very 'strong and solid' show, but I was kind of disturbed by a few things. I'm not really going to be a spoiler by telling what the show is about. But I'm going to give all you people reading a head's up, that the show is full of gore, and although I think I've seen worse, this was quite bad. But you know what, that wasn't the thing that disturbed me most. It was the ending, it was just too cruel an ending. As much as I have been rather disturbed by it, I would genuinely recommend the movie, do check it out.

Oh another thought about the movie just came to me. Another reason why it is so good? This was the first time in a cinema whereby the audience had developed such a big attachment to the story line, whereby the reaction to the movie was so big so much so that they all clapped when something (which we were hoping would happen) happened. Interesting.

I noticed something at the cinema. Anyone noticed the kinds of movies that are being released lately? To name them, shows like I am Legend, Cloverfield and now The Mist. They all actually involve story lines and scripts which talk about either the end of the world, or some invasion of the world. Now I didn't watch Cloverfield, but I'm guessing the story line just from the posters and preview. Hmm, kind of sad and freaky isn't it.

星期五, 一月 25, 2008

A Great Insight

Before I go on, just want to thank those of you who commented on my tagboard regarding my previous post. Yes, that includes you Mr Bear. I never really blogged much about arts camp even after it ended, as there were too many happenings and memories, some bitter most sweet. Therefore, I saw it better to leave those memories in my head. Guess those thoughts reflected in my previous post were just a small fraction of the sentiments I just so wanted to throw out at the time of posting.

Well that aside, I thought arts camp 08's first meeting yesterday was good. The so called direction was more or less set, and the turn out was good too. It was also nice to see some new faces, which brings about new and refreshing ideas. (Ok at this point of time I realised that I'm starting to sound like what my seniors used to sound like, and that also means making myself sound old.) It was also through the meeting yesterday that made me realise what a long way I have come with my committee, as I was glad that a few bold moves that my committee and I made have been seen and set as benchmarks to follow. Nice :)

I spent most of my time today at the CNM industry advisory council, and I kind of enjoyed it. For those who do not know what it is, lemme attempt to give a short explanation. As you know the CNM department is rather new, so it was initiated to have this council consisting of members in senior positions of many different companies in the cnm industry. and boy do i mean senior positions; CEOs, vice presidents, regional heads and so on. Similarly, i do mean big companies too like SIA, google, IDA, MDA, IBM, hill and knowlton, MIT labs etc. This council would annually review the relevance of the cnm course to the industry, and give their feedbacks and comments on how the course as a whole can be improved with the vast changes in society today. In addition, there would also be a day where they all come down to give their talks and answer our questions, and that is today.

Last year I attended this session honestly because there were some bonus points awarded for a module, but it turned out to be really interesting and relevant to me. I mean, these are my possible future employers I am listening too, and they were giving really good insights of what the working world is like, and were giving great suggestions on how we can better approach the challenges we would face after graduation. So this year, I made sure I attended all the two panel sessions, and also the lunch session. Didn't really manage to mingle around much at lunch, but I felt the panel discussions were really good.

To sum it up, the 3 most important things I took away from the talks (mind you there were more, but I'm just listing these 3):

Firstly, passion is important. Most of our resumes would most probably be more or less the same when we graduate, with some differences here in there in certain achievements, ccas and so on. But what really makes you stand out, is the passion. And keep in mind that passion is from within, so you can't really fake it out, as your employers will most probably see through it.

Secondly, communication is the key. No use getting good grades, and no use knowing so much when you cannot communicate the ideas. In today's world, communication is the key to anything and everything. So boy am I glad I am in this field.

Third and lastly, cherish your studying years. This came about when someone posed a question regarding whether or not we should stay an additional year for honours, and whether or not it would just be better to go out and gain the working experience. The panel unanimously agreed that the best time of your years, is most probably your school years, so if you can, stay for your honours year. Not necessary for a better paper or for a better pay, but for the experience. This may sound a little strange and illogical, but they did say you will soon realise why in the years to come.

Well, am looking forward to attending next year's session, especially when that will be the time I will be graduating soon. Oh and it was through today's session, that I realised something. The number of CNM majors is really growing, so much so that I didn't have a place to sit for the first panel session. Well, I can't really say about the second session, as many were actually 'forced' to attend, but overall it said much about how my major as a whole is growing. Good or bad? Depends on how you look at it.

星期四, 一月 24, 2008

Early Mornings

Isn't it just irritating how you suddenly just wake up early in the morning before the alarm rings, only to find yourself waking up a couple of hours early. And then knowing that you're still tired, you wanna go back to bed but somehow just cannot go back to the sleep mode? Well, I am getting that now, and to think that I actually need the most sleep for the longest day of the week today. Oh well.

Two words I mentioned alot on my blog a few months back, but haven't really resurfaced since, arts camp. Later today will be the arts camp 08 committee's first ocomm meeting, and suddenly it just dawned upon me how time really flies. Just not too long ago I still remember having my first ever arts camp meeting in one of the AS6 classrooms, and now it's hwee guang's turn. I'm sure he will do well, and be able to stand strong to face the many challenges that will surely come. Just from how much I know about hg, I definitely think he is up for it. Of course, it would not just be him alone, but also his committee. I'm sure he will soon understand the importance of a strong committee, just like I did.

Ever since arts camp ended, I have received some casual remarks over how I ran the camp, and how I managed my committee. I took a few in to reflect and learn upon, and I threw some away after some thought. Some would say I am too serious, but I would humbly suggest that I was perhaps being more task-oriented. Some would say if only things were done in another way, but I would say 'if only' are two words too over-rated and over-used.

Sometimes I just wished people better understood the hefty pressure of being responsible for such a major camp; Sometimes I just wished people better understood the pressure of dealing with so many mishaps; Sometimes I just wished people better understood the difficulties of getting the attention of over 40 tired ocommers after 5 sleepless nights; Sometimes I really just wished that people could magically switch roles to know how it really feels. Well, then again, thats not possible, so some people just won't, and will never understand. Sigh ...

Looking back, I'm just glad that I managed things the way I have, therefore no regrets. Sure, some things could have been better, but thats always the case. There is a famous phrase, of 'to never look back, and to always look forward'. But sometimes, I personally feel that it is ok to look back, to savour and to learn. If things weren't as ideal as you hoped for, you move on forward seeking to improve from mistakes learnt. But if things were ideal, you move on forward with a smile on your face knowing that it was a job well done.

星期一, 一月 21, 2008


Been getting this constant headache since yesterday, and although it got a little milder today, its still making me uncomfortable. If it persists for the next couple of days, I'm going to see the doctor.

Apart from getting this physical headache, tutorials are also adding to my headache, even before they have started. I kinda got what I wanted, except for one module, but the 2nd choice I was allocated wasnt too bad either. The headache comes because a couple of my pre-planned project mates didn't get their allocations, and that is so not cool. But to be honest, until this semester, I am still having mixed reactions on whether working with newly made friends is better, or working with friends I have known for a while already is better. I seriously have seen the ups and downs of both, and similarly, have done well and not so well on both arrangements. Oh well, I guess we will just have to take what comes along (unless add/drop/swap permits changes). Oh, and my timetable is really horrible, with only 2 hrs of lessons per day for 3 days! Well, thats my trade off for wanting better project groups, and thank goodness I am staying on campus.

Today has been rather free and easy, and I even had time to attend a workshop by the career centre, signing up just at the last minute. No lessons tomorrow, and wednesday sees just one lecture for me. Feels so good to have a timetable without tutorials. Starting to dread next week already.

A Rough Start

Just like that, tomorrow marks the start of the 2nd week of school. I am not feeling all too good about it, and I think that of all four semesters, this is probably the worse start to a semester I have ever had. I mean it in terms of mentally, and psychologically. I am totally so not psyched up for school, and have totally chucked all books and school work to one side of my table without even looking at them. Perhaps unknown to my concsious self, I am still feeling the after effects of a tiring previous semester, and that short one month break just wasn't enough. Or perhaps, I am just being plain lazy here. Whatever it is, I just gotta break out of this comfort zone I am in, but the constant headache I am getting today just isn't helping.

Oh, and soon leong has left for the states for SEP, and quite a few of us went to see him off at the new T3. I guess this is going to be the start of the one year period where many of my friends (including myself) will be embarking on our overseas 'adventure'. Thinking of it now, it is really exciting, and I cannot wait for my turn. But yes, guess whats standing in between? This semester! Argh!

星期五, 一月 18, 2008

The First Week

It's already friday, and the first week of school appeared to zoom past just like that. It's kinda worrying as this means that after one more week, all the hectic tutorials and projects will start to settle in again.

School has been rather ok, with more money spent on books. I never like to save money borrowing books from others, as I am someone who needs to highlight and make my own markings in my book. Oh well, the price to pay if I really want to do well, and I'd very much rather spend than forfeit my grades. Lectures have been a good prelude into what the semester will be like, and all seems fine just that nm2102 looks set to be the most boring module. Workload seems rather heavy too, but as I said before, after last semester, I seem to be more mentally prepared for whatever hell workload there is.

Compared to last semester, I do not have to worry about mc stuff anymore, although I spent the last couple of days churning out the beach fiesta website. Sidenote: I am reassured of why I didn't choose to go into designing.

I seem to have more time on my side the start of this semester, but I don't seem to be making real good use of it. By this time last semester, I have already started reading my textbooks, but this time, eventhough I already know I have a lot more to read than last sem, I haven't really started.

Now after reading this, I know many of you will go about saying I am a chao mugger or a kiasu freak. But hold your thoughts or comments. I don't think that starting to read early is kiasu or whatsoever, but just a smarter move on my part. Knowing that I will start to be real busy, or simply real lazy when tutorials start to set in, I prolly wouldn't touch my readings or textbooks after week 3-4, so might as well start now and get the first few chapters covered. It worked last semester. I read finish my media writing book by week 2 or 3, and as expected, I didn't have the time (nor bothered) touching the book all the way until I packed the book aside after the exam paper.

Oh one more thing, one of the most common phrases I keep hearing this few days, "this module is hard to score". I personally feel that there is a flaw to this statement, because there is no module that is easy to score, nor hard to score. If it's a relatively simple module, it's still hard as everyone does well and vies for a higher bell curve position. Similarly, if the module is relatively harder, there still has to be some people who will be at the higher end of the curve. So why not let that be you?

星期二, 一月 15, 2008

Need a Kick Start

My engine is really rusty, as the first few days of the semester (and leading up to the semester) have been real tiring for me. Although this time, I do have the luxury to say it is not because of any projects or assignments. Within the span of about 7 days, I have stayed up for 3 entire nights; arts club chalet, bike quest dry run, and yesterday's oweek chalet. As a result, I am now all tired and drained, both physically and mentally. Still feeling that I have not caught up on all the sleep I missed, my butt still hurts, and my muscles are all aching.

Oh, now that school has started, my blog will finally be more active again. Haha, some may say 'oh no boring school stuff again', or some may feel otherwise, but oh well, you should have gotten used to it by now anyway :)

I know I said the stress and complaints about school won't happen until a few weeks time, but well, here's a sneak preview. I just realised that intro to computing's project became a group project from an individual one, and thats gonna cause me more hassles with finding new project mates and project meetings. I just realised that intro to jap studies has lots of reading, something which I am so not used to after so many nm mods. I just realised publications graphics and design's workload is horrible, and its so gonna get me busy from next week onwards. What's more scary? I still dunno whats up for my other two modules, and I don't think their gonna be any much relaxing either.

Oh well, reality sets in, school has started! So need to kick start that cold engine of mine.

星期一, 一月 14, 2008

Back to School

Well after a month of holidays, its finally time to go back to school. The holiday was short, but yet at times it seemed long. With the help of my dad, I have finally managed to move all my things back to my room at rvr. Taking into account that I didn't need to bring back last sem's books and some rubbish, there was lesser stuff this time round, and I am determined to keep it that way, least I have to slug a ton of things back again when I move out.

Body is aching now, especially my butt. Went for bike quest dry run last night, and as much as it was tiring, it was a good exercise for me, and it was kinda interesting and funny cycling with nic and hwee guang. But alike the rest, I think we are gonna stay away from bicycles for quite a while.

Lessons start only tomorrow, but I seem to have quite some stuff to settle already. Still have lots of admin stuff to settle for SEP, and I will gradually get it done. Managed to settle the administrative hassles for internship though, and now I shall wait for where I get posted to.

To a good semester everyone!

星期四, 一月 10, 2008

A Light Shines

Just a couple of months ago, I was struggling through the semester, and all that I was looking at was a moderately acceptable end to the semester. I wasn't really sure of what was ahead, and was just taking things as it came. Somehow or rather, things started turning better for me, and I am real grateful for that.

First, the unexpected results sees perhaps the possibility of myself taking a step into honours. May still be a little early to say, but then again, my one semester exemption suddenly makes my time in NUS much shorter than I first thought.

Secondly, the civil sector internship offer I got from the school kinda settled my internship worries, and that should keep me busy in the next holidays. Very happy that I got this offer, as not only did it save me the trouble of finding my own internship, but also gives me an opportunity gain some working experience and have a taste of the civil sector.

Thirdly, and just in, I finally got my SEP at Chinese University of Hong Kong. Always wanted to go for SEP, and now I am finally able to. Was chatting with tk just now after we got our SEP offers, and just surfing the web pages, looking at pictures and videos has gotten me all excited already. Will blog more about this soon, but for now there is a lot of admin work to settle.

Suddenly, the year ahead looks really exciting for me. Schools starting soon, and I'm hoping for a good semester ahead.

星期日, 一月 06, 2008

Random Thoughts

My body clock seems a little funny as of late, and here I am blogging at 5:13am. Anyway, just some random thoughts.

Blackburn is disappointing. They actually lost to a side which is around 17th in the championship (division 1) table. I think hughes needs to re-look into a few things, and perhaps make a few purchases. Seems to be some missing gaps in the squad over the last 10 or so matches, especially in that center of midfield. Now, even the wall of nelson and samba has fallen. 3 penalties conceded in 3 games? However, sparky doesn't seem to be changing anything at this moment, and I'm wondering why. Doesn't it sometimes feel frustrating as a soccer fan, as we always have to watch all the mistakes, and cannot make our point heard or felt to the players and managers.

Suddenly in a dilema over my modules, as I overlooked a clash in timetable. I am someone who likes to take at least one out of faculty module, giving me an option to S/U. But now that science of music has clashed, I am left with the possibility of taking 5 FASS modules. In my opinion, that is not my ideal move because the new S/U option can certainly help ease off some pressure in the coming semester, so I guess I will have to re-look at my timetable and modules again.

Yeah, Singapore's bid for the youth olympics looks good. Not too long ago after site recces, it was reported that Moscow and Singapore were the two better countries to host the games. However, Moscow was placed ahead of Singapore as our games village (suppose to be in the new NUS warrren town) has yet been built. However, news just came in that they are instead looking at countries who cannot host the normal olympic games, and Russia has already hosted the olympics before. Furthermore, there seems to be some reason that has resulted in the committee not seeing eye-to-eye with Moscow, so that puts Singapore in even better stead to host the games! The reason why I am hoping we get the bid? It's because the next 2 years will see huge changes in Singapore, and this games will result in even more changes. There will be higher focus on sports in Singapore, as well as new facilities which have been long overdue. Bedok swimming complex is old :P Sounds exciting!

Came across this phrase while watching tv, and I am sure its a familiar phrase to many. It reminded me of something which happened last semester, so I shall pen it down. One of the actors said to another, "Appearance does not matter". To be honest, I see where this phrase is getting at. But to be even more honest, and in my opinion, this phrase is a big lie. Whether you like it or not, appearance does matter, and for most instances, it matters the most. The first of your senses you use when you encounter a thing or a person, is that of sight. And correct me if I am wrong, but many things will already have been pre-conceived or pre-judged in that first second of encounter. Although things may or may not change after that first second, appearance has already mattered. The same applies to projects and reports. Many a times we often hear lecturers and tutors saying, do not spend so much time on the designs and look of your report, focus on the more important content. But it's a matter of fact that if your work is presented nicely and pleasing to the eye, the marker will have somewhat pre-conceived your work to be of better quality, that gives you a definite edge. Of course, at the end of the day good content is still important. The same goes for your interviews; your powerpoint slides and the way you dress. But apparently (as experienced from project work last semester), some people just do not get this point. So does "Appearance does not matter" still hold true?

星期六, 一月 05, 2008

A Week Before School

I am feeling a little not here and not there and the moment, as in I am sometimes left kinda bored waiting for school to start, yet at the same time I don't really want school to start. Strange.

Last few days have gone by slacking, and accompanying my gf. Was also involved in the bidding war, and am glad things are going fine so far. Actually spent more points on a module this semester than advertising (which was expensive) last semester, but I so dearly wanted that module, so its worth it. Now I have to wait for round 2A to complete my timetable. I have always spoken of how we have to know how to go about the system in NUS, and the same applies for the CORS system. The bidding phase is always important, as it kinda sets the tone for how the semester will be like. But many a times, being outbidded, and the number of points splurged always deter us from modules we want to take. Same thing for me this time, I got badly outbidded for the exposures I would want to clear as I no longer have the freshmen protection. At first I was very worried, but I soon realised another way around it, and that method (which is prolly going to work) is not only get me my module, but also save me about 600 points! Yup again, its simply all about understandig and working your way around the system.

SEP confirmation is taking way too long, and I really wanna know if I get it. I sooo wanna go SEP, but if for some reason I am not given the opportunity, then oh well.

Something funny happened yesterday when I was at plaza singapore macs with my gf. As we were feeling tired walking around, we decided to rest at macs. However, we felt bad not ordering anything, so I went to order this new red bean pie they had. My gf and I love red bean, so I thought it was worth trying. The packaging of the red bean pie was black and red, as compared to the normal green and red for the apple pie. However, when I took a bite, it was apple pie inside. Initially I thought it was because the red bean was in the apple pie, but the picture at the counter said otherwise. So I went to get it changed, and the manager kinda changed it FOC. But guess what, eventhough she gave me a pie in the correct packaging again, it was still apple pie! Haha, this time my gf went to do the exchange, but again, we got back the correct package pie, but wrongly filled pie. We kinda gave up, but we really wanted to try the red bean pie, so for the third time, we went to look for an exchange. This time, the manager felt real bad, and refunded us for whatever we had, and also went to make a new red bean pie, ensuring it was really red bean inside. Haha, I must say the manager there was real nice, and did well to make up for the mistakes. But my gf and I were saying, she offered to refund all that was in our receipt, and it was a pity we didn't order any meals, or we would have gotten everything for free!

星期三, 一月 02, 2008

A New Year, Continued

Had another great mini gathering last night, this time with oweek ocommers, and although we didn't really play any games or whatsoever, it was more of the company, chit chat and gossips which kept things fun and fulfilling. Although it was a worrying sign that we actually enjoyed ourselves just by sitting around the dining table talking, instead of playing games. Doesn't that 'scenario' seem familiar, whereby when we go to parties when we were young, and our parents and aunties uncles all sit round the table to chat? Oh no!

As promised in my previous post, I'm gonna take a quick look back at 2007 for myself, and perhaps also take a sneak peak into what 2008 offers for me. The latter would be harder to do, as I personally always believe there is that much we can set for, aim, predict or forsee, but alot of it still depends on luck and circumstances. So without further ado, my 2007 at a glance :)


Arts Club. The next two short paragraphs will not justify how much have happened in my role as an MC member in the club, but I guess it's just too hard to type everything out, and I will just sum it up.

It was a pretty challenging start of the year, as I got my tender for arts camp, and there was a long line of projects in the upcoming months. Some things went well, some things didn't, but I would have to say I have learnt alot. Of course, arts camp itself was the main highlight for myself, it was the pride and joy for me. And yes, the last day of arts camp will be something special. I cried with many others, tears of joy and tears of relief. If you ask me today, or ask me 10 years later why I teared, I will still not be able to give you an answer. It just cannot be described.

I learnt a lot about management and organization, but more importantly, learnt a lot about myself. But arts camp, together with MC, and the rest of the FOP and other arts club projects, brought me one of the most precious things in university, and that is friendship. Nothing beats that, and the gathering last night just exemplified my point.


Blogging. I pretty much stepped up my frequency in blogging this year, and of course with that, I have more friends reading my blog. I started off blogging not too long ago, with the main purposes of giving myself a channel to vent my frustrations, and to pen down my thoughts. Similarly, I always feel that constantly blogging would in one way or another improve my writing, and improve the way I express my thoughts and feelings, and as much as the effects cannot really be seen, I think it has helped in some way or another.

I must admit though that too often this year I blogged about academics, and how stress or frustrated I was over school work, but well, all I can say is that I don't see that as a pitfall, and neither am I going to change anything. Those were clear reflections of myself, and that was exactly what I was blogging for. On the contrary, I am glad it has in some way allowed my friends to better understand me, and better understand how I usually feel about some stuff. Yup, so blogging continues, and if I am not wrong, those stressful entries will not come as yet, perhaps until a couple of months down the road.


Academics. It was a pretty good year in this aspect. After 14 years of studying, I actually got my first ever academic award. I have never excelled in my studies, and I wouldn't say I really exceled this year, but I can safely say that I did pretty well. The first half of the year saw me change the way I chose and approached my modules, as I banked on whatever project experiences I had from poly to pull my grades up. I focused on the mid terms and projects, and I guess I kinda had everything going to plan throughout the entire semester, and it reflected in my final grades. I managed to get into the dean's list, and again for once in my life, I was actually amongst the better students in terms of academics. It felt a little foreign and strange, but at the same time, it felt good.

Second half of the year was hell tougher for me. I gave myself added stress and pressure from doing well the semester before, and to be honest, being labelled as a dean's lister added to the pressure I didn't like. Furthermore, the workload of my modules were pretty heavy, and I started to regret the way I chose my modules. Things didn't turn out well, as even though I used the same approach for my modules, this time my mid terms and quite a few assignments didn't turn out well. I even failed my first ever mid term in NUS. All I could do was to ensure that I continued pushing myself for the best, and fortunately towards the end, the grades of assignments improved, and there was some light. The final results were rather unexpected, and I would say I am really fortunate. I still think that I am going to just miss the dean's list this time, and yes I may feel a little pinch there, but to be honest, it doesn't really feel that bad, because I see my overall cap as the most important thing, and I'm glad I managed to pull it up a little more.

From this year of studies, I have seen a lot, and learnt a lot. I have again better understood the school system, I have seen the highs and lows again of project groups, I have learnt never to give up even if mid terms and assignments are screwed up, and I have again learnt how important luck is. Then again, it is not a valid reason to over rely on luck, as hardwork is still the key determinism. There is more I have learnt, but as much as it is, I have to sadly admit that studying has taken a toll on myself. It is a sad fact that as much as my results have been pretty decent, I am starting to feel a little tired out about school work and projects. My foot is inching a little closer towards the working world, and I really wonder how long more I can hang on. Then again, I survived last semester (the one which many of us hated), so hopefully the next few wouldn't be a problem.


Well that pretty much wraps up the main highlights of 2007 for me. On a personal note, life has been pretty ok. My weight has been fluctuating up and down and up and down and up again, but thats just me and my love for food, and its gonna take a lot to change that. Life with my gf has also been good, and I am still very happily attached. I do have to admit though that due to my hectic school life this year, I have quite often failed in my part as a bf. Similarly, I have also failed in my part as a friend to many, especially my poly friends.

Well, 2007 is now past, and 2008 is the present. Of course, I hope that studies will remain as well, and I hope to settle my internship and SEP issues soon. Internship looks good, but still hopefully waiting for my SEP to be confirmed. I hope that FOP and the rest of the arts club project will continue to do well, and I shall do my part to help out whenever possible. Oh yes, I hope for blackburn to finish with at least a Uefa Cup place, if not I will be darn disappointed. Great start to the season, but times have been pretty bad recently. Don't really know how to carry on here, but as mentioned all the way at the start of this entry, much of the future cannot actually be predicted or seen, and I shall leave it all up to fate and circumstances. Just to sum it up, I hope for a successful, joyful and peaceful 2008. Once again, happy new year everyone!

星期二, 一月 01, 2008

A New Year

Happy New Year everybody! Just came back from a dinner and mini gathering at my friend's house together with my girlfriend, and it was nice and fun. Dinner was a rather simple steamboat, and we basically played some simple board games, but it was still enjoyable. I definitely prefer these kinds of simple celebrations than squeezing in those rowdy and crowded public places to countdown.

Well, after a very long time, its the first time I have seen so many people update their blogs all at one time. Yes, as many of you should be able to guess, it mostly includes information about how 2007 has been for them, and what they wish for in 2008. Similarly, as an avid blogger, I shall do the same, not just for the sake of it, and not just because everyone is doing it. It is for me to really recap and pen down what these 12 months have been for me, to look back and savour the wonderful moments of the year, and to look back and learn from the mis-happenings and pitfalls.

Then again, I'm gonna catch some sleep first, and do this reflection and projection thingy after waking up tomorrow. Oh, and to my fellow bloggers reading this, do take some time during the holidays to read back at your blog entries for the past year if you have not done so. It's quite amazing to realise how some things have changed, and how time has flown by so quickly. You will be surprised at how you have grown in one way or another in just one short year. This is one reason why blogging is so intriguing.

Jeremy at HK!

Jeremy Teo Chung Xian
24 Year Old Gemini
NUS Undergraduate
Comms and New Media

Happily Attached
38 Months and On .....

An avid Blackburn Rovers supporter. Click here for regular Blackburn Rovers newsfeed.

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